Interflora France relies on a network of 5,200 independent professional florists.

The market leader in floral transport, Interflora France relies on a network of 5,200 independent professional florists.

When you make your order, the nearest store to you makes up and delivers your bouquet.


Deliveries are possible every day (also on Sundays and public holidays) and even in less than 4 hours after your order.

It’s also possible to complement your bouquet with a message of a gift (chocolates, bottle of champagne, teddy, etc.)

As a Park employee, you benefit from a 10% reduction on the Interflora range for all your purchases in France, via a website exclusively dedicated to this offer.

Click on the button to access the Employee Space and benefit from your advantages.

Services: Florist

Date: June 2018

To find your bearings, use the below plan of the park

Paris Nord 2 - Plan du Parc