
Health Space-More than a quarter of European employees report joint and back pain.

Paris Nord 2 offers you a consultation with an osteopath and a chiropractor for €40 (instead of €50) upon presentation of your “Bonus Card”: at the Health Space or directly at the offices of our partner practitioners.

Osteopathy: Laurent Cahagnier
ADELI no. : 77 00 00180

Osteopathy is a manual medicine which deals with the functional problems of the human body.  It is very different from other manual therapy methods. It should not be confused with physiotherapy or chiropractic therapy.

The osteopath, a horologist of the body, uses his hands in different ways to establish an osteopathic diagnosis and give treatment. Using various mobility tests, both at the level of the joints (vertebral or peripheral) as well as at the visceral or cranial level, he evaluates the status of the various systems of the human body. For this purpose, he uses various types of palpation which enable him to assess the form, the volume, the consistency or the tension of the evaluated structures.

By appointment: 01 60 54 93 35
At the Health Space of Paris Nord 2 (102 avenue des Nations): Tuesday and Friday
At his surgery (17 rue de l’Eglise, Moussy-le-Neuf): from Monday to Friday

Chiropractic therapy: Elodie Moes

Chiropractic associates the body and the mind by acting on the muscular-skeletal system (all of the body’s joints, mainly in the spinal column).  It adopts a curative and preventive vision to maintain the body in optimal condition.

It treats symptoms linked to problems of the spinal column and all of the peripheral joints (shoulders, wrists, knees, ankles).  It targets the joints which are losing mobility and restores movement to them, thereby lifting the mechanical blockages of the back and other joints. It rehabilitates the mobility of all the bone structures from the skull to the pelvis, thus enabling the muscles and nerves to better function.

By appointment: 06 29 21 28 94
At the Health Space of Paris Nord 2 (102 avenue des Nations): Thursday afternoon
At her surgery (3 rue de Maincourt, Longperrier): from Monday to Friday

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Services: Health Space

Date: June 2018

To find your bearings, use the below plan of the park

Paris Nord 2 - Plan du Parc